Petey and Oliver


This is Petey Boy and I in San Pancho, Mexico. That’s where Petey and I met. We’re in my old sushi restaurant (note to self, never open a restaurant on the 2nd floor). Look at Petey, he looks like he has a huge smile.

Petey was going to be put down for NO reason, so I adopted him. He was y first rescue.

You can see more photos of Petey and other friends of mine in the gallery.

The Mission Of

I became a vegetarian while living in Mexico. It started when I saw a video of new born piglets, being tossed into an airtight box with a hose that was was shooting in carbon monoxide to suffocate them. I was thoroughly heartbroken and swore never to eat bacon or ANY ham from that point on.

It just made no sense. I think the warped thought process behind it was that they were all male. They do that because they only want females so they can continue to breed them.

My point is, I want to help people see that it’s not right to “Eat Pets”. We are all sentient creatures, cows, pigs, chickens, horses…all animals are aware…all of us are aware.

Piglet Eating Icecream
Petey Boy and Oliver

It's not hard to stop eating meat

When I first became aware that I was doing the wrong thing by eating meat, it wasn’t hard to stop. After a little while the thought of it started to repulse me. That was after I started connecting with different animals.

It was easy living in Mexico, because there were goats, chickens, horses all over the place. I obviously didn’t live in a city.

There was a horse I met, his name was Charlie Brown, a friend of mine and I named him that, because the owner didn’t name him.

I got to know Charlie on my daily walks with Petey Boy. One day I noticed that he had a sore on his back from the “owner’s” saddle…he didn’t use a blanket underneath like you normally would.

The reason why there was no blanket was simple, the man couldn’t afford one. He rented his horses as a means of income.

My friend and I bought some medicine for Charlie, so the sore wouldn’t get infected. We also informed the man that he couldn’t ride Charlie until he healed. He was very understanding, thanked us for helping Charlie and he didn’t ride him.

I’m going to finish this story in a post. I’ll put a link here when it’s done.

Meet Some Of My Friends

Below are some friends that I’ve helped that were all very thankful. Like Charlie Brown, every time he would see me walking Petey Boy, he would start to neigh, just his way of saying hello and thank you!

Buddy The Chicken


I was walking home from the store and the street I lived on, like a lot of streets in the area, were dirt.

It had been raining pretty hard that morning and all of a sudden, I see this young chicken laying in the mud. At first I thought she was dead, but then she managed to wiggle her foot slightly to signal me. She was crying for help.

I picked her up and brought her home. When I got inside, I grabbed a towel and laid her down, she went right to sleep

Buddy The Chicken


This is buddy after she got better and grew up a bit. Her and her babies are in a carrier being transported to their new home…to be continued.

Here Are More Friends


Hiding In Litter Box

Abandoned Kittens

Laying In The Dog Bowl

Baby Opossums

Abandoned By Mother

Sea Turtle

Laying Eggs

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